
  • 爱马仕公司介绍英语怎么说
  • Hemès Intenationa, SA, o simpy Hemès (Fench ponnciation: 【ɛʁmɛs】,Engish: ɛəˈmɛz is a Fench high fashion hose estabished in 1837, speciaizing in eathe, eady-to-wea, ifestye accessoies, pefmey, and xy goods Its ogo is of a Dc caiage with hose

    The Hemès famiy, oiginay Potestant Gemans, setted in Fance in 1828In 1837, Thiey Hemès (1801–1878) fist estabished Hemès as a haness wokshop, on the Gands Boevads qate of Pais, dedicated to pveying to Eopean nobemenHe ceated the finest woght hanesses and bides fo the caiage tadeThe company eaned accaim in 1855, winning fist pize in its cass at the 1855 Exposition nivesee in Pais Monsie Hemès won the fist-cass meda of the 1867 Exposition nivesee aso in Pais

    By 1990, anna saes wee epoted at $460 miion SD The damatic ise in evene was mainy attibted to Dmas's stategy Fifty pecent of saes in the eay 1990s wee geneated fom Eope despite Dmas's pogam of geogaphica expansion The nited States contibted 11 pecent, whie the AsiaPacific egion made p one-thid of saesEstimated saes inceased 23 pecent fom 1984 to 1994 Howeve, fte pofits wee expected to ise in ony singe-digit pecentages

    As of 2008【pdate】, Hemès has 14 podct divisions encompassing eathe, scaves, ties, menswea, women's fashion, pefme, watches, stationey, footwea, goves, ename, decoative ats, tabewae, and jewey


  • 爱马仕的简写英文
  • 爱马仕英文叫做Hemes。是世界著名的奢侈品品牌,1837年由Thiey Hemès创立于法国巴黎,早年以制造高级马具起家,迄今已有180年的悠久历史。拥有180年历史的Hemes,世代相传,以其精湛的工艺技术和源源不断的想象力,成为当代最具艺术魅力的法国高档品牌。探寻这家历史悠久的法国公司,可以发现许多有趣的故事:以生产丝巾和领带而著名的爱马仕竟然是以生产马鞍和马具起家。19世纪,在法国巴黎,大部分居民都饲养马匹。1837年,蒂埃利·爱马仕(Thiey Hemes)在繁华的Madeeine地区的Basse-d-empat街上开设了第一间马具专营店。他的马具工作坊为马车制作各种精致的配件,在当时巴黎城里最漂亮的四轮马车上,都可以看到爱马仕马具的踪影。Hemes的匠人们就像艺术家一样对每件产品精雕细刻,留下了许多传世之作,在1867年的世界贸易会中,Hemes便凭着精湛的工艺,赢得一级荣誉奖项。



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